Why the sky?

Who am i?

I am a pilot and scholar out of Denver with four years at MSU Denver majoring in Aviation. During my time at school and flight training I have found that the aviation industry has so much more to offer than just being the one at the controls of an aircraft. During my time at the university, I have enjoyed the luxury of writing weekly aviation newsletters regarding jobs, aircraft types, and news in the aviation world as well as running media for the department. I Accompanied my studies with work that included a freelance position working as an assistant writer for a visual novel made by Front Wing, taking a python bootcamp, and working as a service manager at Chipotle Mexican Grill where I gained extensive knowledge on customer service and internal training. I have gained an advanced understanding of Excel, Python, C++ Blueprints, and Microsoft Applications. I also have built and assisted on multiple websites. I did this while going to university full time and completing flight training at McAir Aviation.

Where to Find Me

